"what are you doing?"
"i'm attempting to bake cookies."
"aw, you're at home being domestic?"
"yeah, i'm failing though."

my friend
susan called me after i baked 3 batches of
french macarons that left me quite disillusioned...
batch #1: burnt, never put delicate batter on the bottom rack.

batch #2 & #3: flat, no little macaron feet :( they seemed cooked, and they were crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside so i assembled them with my chocolate ganache anyway. a few hours later the shells became super sticky from the sugar and stuck to anything they touched.

batch #4:
viennese almond cresents. well, i gave up on the french macarons and decided to go in a different direction. by the way, i love silicone baking sheets.

so, after hours in the kitchen and researching what went wrong with the macarons, my family and boyfriend are getting viennese almond crescents for valentine's in the lotus boxes. good thing i practiced this weekend...
Aww Cindy, they honestly ALL look delicious, and I would gladly gobble up all of them! I think it's so awesome that you put together such cool handmade gifts! Sorry I couldn't join you, but let's have a baking party soon!