Saturday, October 31, 2009

three apples {round three}...

every time i go back to royal/t for the three apples exhibit there's something i missed before or new, and last night it was the new halloween set up!. therefore...
HAPPY HALLOWEEN...hello kitty style!
alright, so i've been to this art show three times in one week. i've officially decided that these three are my favorite pieces on display:
plasticgod's hello kitty icons
tessar lo's together, we can do anythingand Jason Han's I Haz Mouth

tomorrow, November 1st, is Hello Kitty's birthday. today and tomorrow there will be events at Three Apples. here is my birthday card to Hello Kitty. she matches my blog, hahaha...

brandou at corey helford gallery...

if only i heard about this show earlier...i'm loving andrew brandou's newer pieces of characters made of flora parts.

inflatable bag monsters...

joshua allen harris creates ephemeral sculptures using subway air and other public ventilation systems to give life to his plastic bag creatures!

alteration by grag lauren...

i've been raving about paper fashion, well this is a whole other kind of paper fashion. this is an exhibition by Greg Lauren of literal paper fashion in dark colors and worn appearance...image and info from trendland.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

three apples {round two}...

it's not possible to see it all in one visit...this was our Hello Kitty high tea set; so much food. there were little HK rings on the cupcakes.
i tried my hand at the claw machine this time. no go, but still fun.
i can't get enough of the pop-up store either. let me know if you want me to find something for you next time i go. click on the store display image below to see Sanrio's anniversary items.
and of course the art mesmerizes me...

lucky cat candy...

even though it's tiny, it's genius packaging...
found on dieline.

halloween award...

at work i was recruited to help plan the company halloween party. today my task was to design the costume awards, and i thought i'd share...feel free to print and reward people at your halloween party(s) this weekend!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

paper fashion sale...

a little while ago i bought a print of brushes from paper fashion. this week she's having a sale!
click here or on the images to go to the paper fashion etsy store.

package craft...

art made from everyday packaging by Mr. Kazuma...
images from spgra.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

for my grandparents...

i'm not the greatest painter; i definitely need to practice more. its almost my grandparents' birthdays though, so these are their birthday presents. they're small, acrylic on canvas...i might like the backgrounds of just water and sky more than the final product :P


hmm, there's a To-Fu contest through Devilsrobot. thinking about possibly entering something...

Monday, October 26, 2009

at three apples {round one}...

my current plan is to go back to Three Apples three more times, but here is the recap for opening day. there was a grand opening VIP party thurday oct. 22, and it was open to the public friday oct. 23, so i gathered my girls and made dinner plans for friday night. our wait for a table was really long, but there was plenty of eye candy to keep us occupied...the hello kitty pop-up store had a bunch of limited editions anniversary products. i bought cousin tiffany and me the last two tokidoki-hello kitty watches.this little tree had hello kitty cell phone charms from all around the world! i found the black egg charm from when i went to a hot spring near mt. fuji hanging on it.
check out hello kitty alll blinged out!
we sat next to the wall displaying ron english, yoskay yamamoto, martin hsu and more. during our dinner martin hsu came by to see his painting and cousin yvonne called out to him because she knew him! he signed my exhibition book and drew in my sketchbook. now imagine my massive smile.
his painting sold to Sanrio, and will be displayed at their headquarters according to his site.

more paintings to be posted next round. i don't think i even sufficiently saw everything.

craola store...

just in time for craola's upcoming Pearl Thief show at Gallery 1988, his website is all updated with a new online store...

Friday, October 23, 2009

three apples opening day...

i'm having way too much fun drawing hello kitty this week...
it's opening day for the Three Apples art show!
camilla d'errico posted her piece on her blog, and i love the mix of sanrio characters into one of her signature helmet girls.
check out other preview pictures on daily dujour and arrested motion...

buff diss...

check out masking tape graffiti by Buff Diss...
it's masking tape!!
found on 360.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


i like this mixing the old with the new concept: it's an ipod dock that looks like a rotary phone...
from Industrial Design Served.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

scavenger project...

so i just signed up for The Scavenger Project 2 with Art House Co-op. anyone wanna do this with me?

fruit puree...

ooh the genius of this packaging...
organic fruit puree dessert never looked so fresh and wholesome.
packaging is by Mayday Living Brands found on dieline.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

three apples...

reasons why i can't wait for Hello Kitty's 35th anniversary art show, Three Apples, at Royal/T opening this friday, Oct. 23...

tessar lo, buff monster, luke chueh, nate frizzell, ron english, gary baseman...
there are 80 artists all together, but i really really can't wait to see the tessar lo piece.
click on the images to go to artist's site.

by the way, this is my 200th post. in a sort of minor celebration i designed myself a new background.